yBook, a reader application for Electronic Books

Spacejock is a funny name for a software publisher, but this guy's the real deal, distributing a host of software solutions for the PC, all but one of which is no-cost, Open Source, really free, and no-nags software. I encourage you to visit the site and take a look at what else is there.
I am an avid reader, and I have been seen reading at the most inappropriate, surreptitious places. My wife checks my pockets before we go out for social visits. I have electronic books on my palm pilot, my E-book, my computer, my laptop and even my cell phone. I have some kind of gene for boredom, and my poor children have it too.
yBook is one of many software eBook Readers that operate on a slew of devices.
yBook works on Windows based devices, loading text files and web pages (including direct from an internet address), reformatting them into paperbacks for screen reading. It also includes a printout routine to generate booklets and hard copy for binding, plus a compiler to generate your own ebooks for distribution. All and all I found it to be lean, useful and unobtrusive. When I get my tablet PC, yBook will be one of the most used applications.
Applications exist to convert any particular file format into text, so if you have or receive an eBook in a non-text format, don't dispair! E-mail me at webstar@hughes.net and I'll tell you have to convert it to text so that yBook will read it.
Thanks Spacejock!
Mike Moore