Batch converting of graphics files
Open Source and Freeware mantra: If there's a need for something, there's gotta be something out there to do it, given enough time.
Enough time has passed for Easy Graphic Converter from to mature to version 1.2.0
Running on any flavor of Windows starting with Windows 95, this image converter does the job quickly and without fuss, and is completely free with no nags to buy anything else. If you have a need to convert entire directories of graphics files from one format to another, with an optional renaming and resizing, this is a free non-spyware app that will perform quickly and silently with very little learning curve.
Etrusoft is also famous for a shareware screen capture program, a screen saver maker and a Camtasia-like quick screen recorder.
I have had a four-CD collection of Science Fiction images for years, but they were all in .BMP format, which is way too bulky and not the best image format for creating icons and illustrating e-mails. I wanted them converted to JPG or some graphics format that is easier to handle.
Since Easy Graphic Converter has an option to point to an input source directory as well as individual files, I didn't even have to select the files within each subdirectory. Here's a shot of the Options screen for this excellent utility:

Easy Graphics Converter tore through this directory full of BMP files in about 6 seconds, converting them to JPG format.

All for now!
Mike Moore
Enough time has passed for Easy Graphic Converter from to mature to version 1.2.0
Running on any flavor of Windows starting with Windows 95, this image converter does the job quickly and without fuss, and is completely free with no nags to buy anything else. If you have a need to convert entire directories of graphics files from one format to another, with an optional renaming and resizing, this is a free non-spyware app that will perform quickly and silently with very little learning curve.
Etrusoft is also famous for a shareware screen capture program, a screen saver maker and a Camtasia-like quick screen recorder.
I have had a four-CD collection of Science Fiction images for years, but they were all in .BMP format, which is way too bulky and not the best image format for creating icons and illustrating e-mails. I wanted them converted to JPG or some graphics format that is easier to handle.
Since Easy Graphic Converter has an option to point to an input source directory as well as individual files, I didn't even have to select the files within each subdirectory. Here's a shot of the Options screen for this excellent utility:

Easy Graphics Converter tore through this directory full of BMP files in about 6 seconds, converting them to JPG format.

All for now!
Mike Moore
Labels: Conversion, Etrusoft, Format, Freeware, Graphic, Open Source